Episode 92

Guy Royse is a software developer with more than 25 years of programming experience and has been a part of a government program to teach computer programming to prisoners to enable them to live a normal and happy life after their prison terms. Now he goes out into developer communities and helps others build great software through cutting-edge technology solutions. He has much wisdom to share and we’re privileged to have him as our guest in this episode. Here we go

YouTube: https://youtu.be/PGKIda7uZsA

Guy’s Bio:

Guy works for Redis Labs as a Developer Advocate. Combining his decades of experience in writing software with a passion for sharing what he has learned, Guy goes out into developer communities and helps others build great software.

Episode Highlights :

List of topics

0:38 -Went to prison to teach programming and software development.
2:00 -People are going to get off prison surely one day, when they come out we don’t want them to go back in.
2:47 – There is a great demand for developers in the world.
3:53 – If you’re making 40000 Dollars a year from a job, out of the prison that is a really great job out of the prison.
3:51 – It was really cool going into prison.
4:44 – Prisoners while doing programming, they think they are not in prison for a while.
5:06 – My father spend time in prison and I got my other family members to spend time in prison.
5:46 – I never feel safe there, which I think is interesting.
7:52 – I am being running software for about 25 years.
9:00 – Which languages you are teaching?
9:27 – We teach Java, and I came and started teaching Java script
12:30 – Government decides to recycle all the PCs.
17:20 – I was in the fifth standard and I decided to be a programmer.
24:45 – I learn Pascal.
28:10 – In 1944 it was really hard to get a job as a developer.
32:46 – I will say Do have anything to stand out among the people.
37:42 – When I am hiring a person, I care about three things, 1. Can you do things, 2. Will you do the thing, 3. Will you play well than the other?
39:44 – Jack of all trades and master of noon is often times better than master of one.
53:15 – Teaching is the best way to learn.
57:12 – Getting started is the most important thing

GUEST Links:


Twitter: https://twitter.com/guyroyse

YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/user/guyroyse

Website: http://guyroyse.com/

Redis: https://redis.io/

Redis commands: https://redis.io/commands

RediSearch: https://oss.redislabs.com/redisearch/

Redis Cloud: https://redislabs.com/try-free/

Redis University Videos: https://www.youtube.com/redisuniversity

Free courses: https://university.redislabs.comYouTube Channel: https://www.


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Further reading

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