[/shadowbox] Kevin and Arsalan discuss the different options available to software developers to style their web pages. CSS is great for browsers to...
I didn’t even really want to be there the night I met my tech comadres. I had been looking for a software developer job in Austin for several months...
This post is dedicated to my friend Tricia, who just killed it at the Lowe’s Hackathon in Austin. Follow her on Twitter @techxastrish. So you’ve...
Thanks for Listening! Do you have some feedback or some advice for us or our audience? Please give us a review on iTunes, Spotify, Google...
How do you become a successful entrepreneur in a few a short years? How do you become the CTO of a startup company? How do you find success against...
Let’s face it, people. Discrimination at an average workplace is an actual thing that happens – a lot! It comes in subtle flavors and...
It’s rare for new software developers to enroll in a good apprenticeship program that teaches them the ropes in a relatively stress-free...
Timothy’s Bio: Timothy Amadi is 10 years old and loves coding. He has built his own apps from the ground up including an eCommerce application...
A New Beginning! Hi There! So it’s been a while since I last wrote to you! My apologies. I had been traveling and also working on various projects...
Ross’ Bio: Ross Trottier attended CU Boulder as a Classical Guitar Performance Major under the virtuoso Jonathan Leathewood, where he received...